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  • Writer's pictureJulia

Dining at Disney's Be Our Guest Restaurant

Have you ever dreamed of eating at Beast's castle? Well that dream can come true right inside Disney's Magic Kingdom! If you love Beauty and the Beast eating at the Be Our Guest restaurant is the place for you!

General Information About Be Our Guest

This restaurant has THREE different types of meals. You can dine in for breakfast and lunch (which is considered quick service) as well as dinner (which is considered a full table service). No matter what time of the day or meal it is, Be Our Guest is ALWAYS packed, so I highly suggest to make a reservation way in advance. No matter what time of day you eat there, it is just as magical each time! One of the most iconic parts about eating at Be Our Guest is that you get to meet the host of honor, Beast! Just know that Beast only greets guests at the dinner service and DOES NOT come out to meet for breakfast and lunch. I can't emphasize this enough, and knowing this beforehand rules out the risk of disappointment if you think you will be meeting him at breakfast and lunch.


Breakfast is served between 8 am and 10:30 am. During this seating, you can choose whichever room you would like to sit in! You will order your food on big touch screens at the front of the castle before you sit and then choose an empty table of your choice. The price of breakfast is $28.00 per adult and $15.00 per child. You can choose from a wonderful selection of breakfast dishes.


Lunch is served between 11 am and 2:30 pm. Like breakfast, you also will be ordering off of the same touch screens and then can find an open table in any of the rooms in the castle of your choice! Lunch prices range from $8.00 and $18.00 for adults and under $10.00 per child. Lunch is a great option because it is more inexpensive than dinner and a bit more fancy than a quick service window.


Dinner is by far the most expensive but in my opinion very worth it especially if you love Beauty and the Beast! Dinner is the meal where you will enter the castle and be seated by a seater. Even if you manage to get a reservation for dinner, still expect to wait on the bridge outside the castle for up to 20 minutes as dinner is always the most crowded. Upon arrival you can request to be seated in a specific room in the castle, but know that it is not guaranteed and the cast member will do their best to accommodate your request. Once you enter the castle you will be taken to your table with Lumiere! Dinner is a pre-fixe style. This means you will pay a set price of $55.00 for adults and $35.00 for kids. You have the choice of 1 Appetizer, 1 Entree, and 1 Dessert. Overall the food is DELICIOUS and I have eaten the table service dinner twice because of how much I enjoyed it.

Try the Grey Stuff! It Really is Delicious

The infamous grey stuff is available during all meals at Be Our Guest! Yes that means you can order it at breakfast (because I have and couldn't resist!). I've had it served two different ways on two different occasions. I had one that looked like the classic grey stuff in the movie, and then more recently I had it served in a little white chocolate "Chip" cup! Both times it was equally as delicious and I highly recommend it!

Dining Rooms

There are 3 different rooms you can be placed in when dining at this restaurant.

The Grand Ballroom

The Grand Ballroom is the "main" dining room that Belle and Beast share their dance in Beauty and the Beast. There are grand windows toward the back go the ballroom and it actually appears that it is snowing. It truly is so magical!

I have eaten in this section of the castle twice!

The West Wing

The West Wing is the "darker" part of the castle and it is where Beast keeps the red rose in glass that is seen in the movie. The temperature of the room feels colder and gives such a realistic feeling just like the movie. I have never been seated in this section but I always go in to take a picture because of how intriguing it is!

The Castle Gallery

The Castle Gallery is on the right side of the Grand Ballroom when you enter the main entrance. There is a beautiful rotating statue of Belle and Beast that stands 7-Feet tall! Since it is the "gallery" there are many beautiful paintings hanging around. Even if you are not seated in this section, it is definitely worth going in to view the paintings and take a few pictures. I have eaten in this section of the castle once and it was very beautiful!

Getting a Reservation

As far as trying to get a reservation, I suggest to look about 180 days when dining opens for guests for your best chance! Be open to different time and day options because it still may not be available for your top choice. The sooner you check the better chance you may have! I was able to get a reservation once for breakfast, and twice for dinner! So it is very possible to eat here! I will say, that breakfast and lunch will definitely be easier to get as far as meals and dinner will be more difficult but not impossible! Just be consistent with checking and something is bound to pop up for you.

Stained Glass Window

The attention to detail of Beast's castle carries throughout all of the rooms. My favorite picture spot is the stained glass window that is on your left when you enter the castle. It is a beautiful hand-made mural of Belle and Beast and makes a great photo spot every time!

Meeting the Beast

Like I mentioned earlier. Beast ONLY meets for dinner service. He is very busy during the day and won't be able to meet guests for breakfast and lunch! Beast meets guest in his library and he is very friendly! It is always a joy to meet him especially because you can not meet him anywhere else in the parks.

Final Thoughts

If you are able to get a reservation for Be Our Guest at any time of the day during your trip I would suggest to go! Although it is a little pricy across the board, you are really paying for outstanding food and an incredible atmosphere all around! The theming itself is so well thought out and perfectly done! The best part it being able to explore the whole castle in all the rooms and corridors! You will have the experience of a lifetime and pictures to remember!

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