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  • Writer's pictureJulia

How to Apply for the Disney College Program

Are you interested in applying for the Disney College Program but want to know a little more information about the application process beforehand from a successful applicant? Look no further because I am here to walk you though the process in a breeze!

Applications go live for both Disney World and Disney Land for Fall/Fall Advantage every year in January. You can also apply for Spring/Spring Advantage beginning in August so be sure to check the website for the drop of the applications for each time range.

How Long Does the Application Process Take?

The whole application process and timeline can vary for all applicants. From application to acceptance you can hear back soon as one month, or as long as a few months. I chose to apply for the Fall 2019 program the day the applications dropped in January, went through the entire application process, had my phone interview and found out I was accepted about 3 weeks later. Some applicants who also applied the same day as me did not hear back until the very last day of acceptances months later. It all varies and can be very stressful waiting period, but I assure you it is all worth the wait!

Step 1: Information About Yourself

The first part of the application is where you will answer basic questions about yourself including your name, address, education (college you are enrolled in) and any work history you have. You will be asked which program location you want to apply for (Florida, California or both) and will be asked to rank the roles you wish to be considered for. I suggest to look at all of the roles and read them in detail on the Disney College Program website before even beginning the application. This will make the process go even smoother for you! Think of this section like a bigger version of job resume. Once you submit this section, you will wait and see if you will take part in the Web Based Interview.

Step 2: The Web Based Interview

This is also known as the WBI. If you've made it through the first section of the application, you will be asked to take the WBI. This entails simple personality questions and asks about your personal work ethic. Many of the questions in this section WILL repeat themselves multiple times but will be asked in a slightly different way. Don't be alarmed if you think you are going crazy answering the same question 3 or 4 times! Disney does this to make suer that you are paying close attention to detail.

My main piece of advice based on experience is to remain consistent throughout the whole WBI and you will do just fine! These questions are times and you will have about 60 seconds to answer each. This is PLENTY of time as long as you read the question thoroughly the first time through. Don't rush, relax, and answer honestly! The whole section will take about 30 minutes to complete.

Step 3: The Phone Interview

If you made it past the WBI, then you have reached the final step in the interview process! Many applicants get anxious when it comes to the phone interview because you are actually talking to a real Disney recruiter. But don't fret! This part of the whole process is the most rewarding and fun because you really have the opportunity to tell a recruiter why you want to do the DCP. In the time leading up to your phone interview, I HIGHLY recommend researching some questions that you may or may not be asked just to have a general knowledge to make yourself more at ease going into it. The recruiter doesn't want to trick you with their questions, as many of them are about your personality, work ethic, and scenario based situations. It is extremely important to have general knowledge of some questions especially ones for the roles you are most interested in! Having a general idea of what you are going to say beforehand will make you come across as put together and knowledgable with what you are speaking to the recruiter about.

As far as how long these phone interviews last, it can definitely range. My PI was about 16 minutes long, which I thought was short but in fact was average. The actual timeline of your interview has proven not to matter whatsoever. Some applicants have 30 minute interview and get NLIC'd (no longer in consideration) and some have 10 minute interviews and get accepted. It's all about quality not quantity in this case. My main tip is to make a list on index cards with brief bullet points highlighting important work experience you've had and why you would fit well in your top roles. If you keep these cards placed out in front of you during the interview you will be able to glance down from time to time to seep you on track with your thoughts.

Most importantly have fun because this is an interview for Disney! My recruiter (shout out to Christy!) was SO sweet and we shared so many laughs and fun stories with each other.

At the very end of the interview you will be given the chance to ask your recruiter questions about anything you wish! I HIGHLY recommend asking at least two questions. I asked a more "serious" question and then a more "fun" one! My fun question for Christy was how she got her start with the Disney Company or if she participated in the DCP. Fun fact! She did and was a Merchandise cast member, which is the role that I also just got cast in! I am so excited to gain my start with the company the same way she did.

Step 4: The Wait

If you have made it passed all of the steps in the application process, the most difficult part is the wait. Like I said earlier, you can hear back as early as a month and as late as the last wave of acceptances a few months later. Just remember to be patient because your time will come when it is supposed to. I know it is definitely easier said than done, but I promise you will get the acceptance when you least expect it.

Application Received and NLIC'd

At any point during the application process you can be placed in application received for any range of time after you complete the initial application. This can be really hard to deal with especially when you have been waiting for a long period of time. If you do not make it out of application received you will unfortunately be NLIC'd also known as no longer in consideration. This means that your application was reviewed but not chosen to move forward in the process for many reasons that we do not know. Just know that you CAN apply again in the future when the next round of applications drop. Although this may be difficult to grasp, take this time to review your application and make simple changes that may help you out with the application process next time.

Now You're Ready to Apply!!

If you have always dreamed of working for the Walt Disney Company, now is your chance! You will only ever have the chance to do the DCP while you are a college student so go for it! I am so incredibly grateful I will be getting the chance to work for such a prestigious company in less than a month and I can't wait to see what the future holds for me during the most magical time ever!

Take the chance because you never know what the future may hold for you too!

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